Panel Chair: UAAC 2024, Curatorial Pedagogy and Practice, University Arts Association of Canada Conference (UAAC), Western University, London ON

Looking forward to UAAC 2024 at Western University. I am currently accepting proposals for my panel, Curatorial Pedagogy and Practice.

This panel critically re-examines the potentials of curatorial pedagogy and practice within our institutions’ social and cultural contexts and curatorial partnerships. Among different considerations, Curatorial Pedagogy and Practice, focuses on the positioning for curatorial methodologies, the roles of curatorial practice as research-creation, “the education turn” in the curatorial, and the changing study of the curatorial in academia. In bringing together curators, artists, historians, educators and scholars, we hope to provide a conversational forum to share and analyze texts, issues, discourses and personal curatorial experiences that inform the futures of curatorial praxis.

Keywords: curatorial, pedagogy, praxis, methodology, future

UAAC Call for papers here. Due May 31, 2024.

Every fall, UAAC-AAUC hosts Canada’s professional conference for visual arts-based research by art historians, professors, artists, curators, and cultural workers. The conference is held at a different location each year, generally at a Canadian university or college. The sessions and panels address issues and subjects in art history, theory, and practice from various methodological approaches.

The 2024 UAAC-AAUC Conference will take place next October 24-26, 2024 at Western University.